Thirty-five years after the shocking murder of three teens, the infamous “Sweet Sixteen Killer” returns on Halloween night to claim a fourth victim. Seventeen-year-old Jamie ignores her overprotective mom’s warning and comes face-to-face with the masked maniac and, on the run for her life, accidentally time travels back to 1987, the year of the original killings. Forced to navigate the unfamiliar and outrageous culture of the 1980s, Jamie teams up with her teen mom to take down the killer once and for all, before she’s stuck in the past forever.
- Genre:Comedy, Horror
- Release:
- Stars:Anna Diaz, Charlie Gillespie, Ella Choi, Jeremy Monn-Djasgnar, Jonathan Potts, Julie Bowen, Kelcey Mawema, Kiernan Shipka, Liana Liberato, Lochlyn Munro, Nathaniel Appiah, Olivia Holt, Randall Park, Stephi Chin-Salvo, Troy Leigh-Anne Johnson
- Duration:106 min
- Director:Nahnatchka Khan
- Country:US
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